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Same plane or not?

Офлайн { AVATAR }
Сообщения: 1088
С нами: 14 лет 6 месяцев 11 дней
Откуда: Stockholm(Close to BMA)
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Сообщение Flight fan » 09 июн 2014, 21:01

While i was trying to track down RA-64016 to see what had happened to that plane after 2011, i found something strange. Looking through RZJets, my best source for stuff like this, i found that RA-64048 was "ntu" by Red Wings, which i assumes means "not taken up" and delivered instead to Air Koryo as P-633. But if so, what plane is this? It is said to be RA-64048, but i can't find any other photos of it, and i would really like to see more of that livery.

Another one that caught my attention was RA-64012, delivered to Vnukovo Airlines. Only one photo of it seems to exist under their ownership, taken in 1995. As you can see, it is a Tu-204-100. But it is listed as a Tu-204-300 at RZJets, and also shown as a Tu-204-300 with Air Koryo. The construction number is the same on both the 1995 photo of the -100 and the 2008 photo of the -300. Is it the same plane?

The final one for now is RA-64049, and this is a real strange one. There are two listed on RZJets, one Tu-214-100B and one Tu-204-100B/E, both built in the same year and owned by Red Wings. However, all the photos that i can find of it lists it as a Tu-204-100V, but with the same cn as the -100B/E on RZJets. Are these two (three?) planes the same one?

This thread may come back to life if i find any other interesting subjects, so don't expect it to just vanish after these questions are answered.
My collection at DiMA: http://www.diecastmodelaircraft.com/collection/stockholm_flyer
My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrFlightfan?feature=mhee

I don't always write in Russian, but when i do, i use Google Translate.

Офлайн { AVATAR }
Сообщения: 1654
С нами: 12 лет 6 месяцев 11 дней
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 0

Сообщение ok101 » 09 июн 2014, 21:10

Hi, Oskar,
Here is quick reply: I'm not familiar with RZJ, using Russianplanes.net instead, check these three links for the 204s which interest you. If any help needed with translation of particular parts, let me know.
Мои авиафото: https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/ok101/

Офлайн { AVATAR }
Сообщения: 1088
С нами: 14 лет 6 месяцев 11 дней
Откуда: Stockholm(Close to BMA)
Репутация: 0

Сообщение Flight fan » 09 июн 2014, 21:43

Thanks Oleg. Thanks to you i have the answers i was looking for:

RA-64012 is the same plane as P-632, but shortened. Interesting.

RA-64016 is stored and owned by Red Wings. I'm guessing they are using it for spare parts then. Or are they preparing it to enter service again? That part i might need help translating, to see if Google got it right: 20 ноября 2012 перелетел в ЛИИ на восстановление для Red Wings.

RA-64048 is indeed delivered to Air Koryo as P-633, but did wear that orange livery and Red Wings logo in 2009. That page does however refuse to translate, but as i understand it Red Wings never operated that aircraft.

RA-64049 is a Tu-204-100B/E, so the RZJets entry listing it as a Tu-214 is incorrect. That would explain why it doesn't have any data for it, but there are a few that do lack that even if the entry itself is correct.
My collection at DiMA: http://www.diecastmodelaircraft.com/collection/stockholm_flyer
My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrFlightfan?feature=mhee

I don't always write in Russian, but when i do, i use Google Translate.

Офлайн { AVATAR }
Сообщения: 1654
С нами: 12 лет 6 месяцев 11 дней
Откуда: Москва
Репутация: 0

Сообщение ok101 » 10 июн 2014, 12:38

Flight fan писал(а):Thanks Oleg. Thanks to you i have the answers i was looking for:

Never mind! :) You are always welcome, you know.

Flight fan писал(а):RA-64016 is stored and owned by Red Wings. I'm guessing they are using it for spare parts then. Or are they preparing it to enter service again? That part i might need help translating, to see if Google got it right: 20 ноября 2012 перелетел в ЛИИ на восстановление для Red Wings.

"On 20/11/2012 have flown to LII for recovery for Red Wings". For LII (Zhukovsky) see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gromov_Flight_Research_Institute
But in the frame further at the page is written: на хранении (в ЛИИ) (you understand? ;) ) - "stored in LII". So, it's unclear about his future, but I always hope for the best. :)

Flight fan писал(а):RA-64048 is indeed delivered to Air Koryo as P-633, but did wear that orange livery and Red Wings logo in 2009. That page does however refuse to translate, but as i understand it Red Wings never operated that aircraft.

Try to translate it by quotes... :D maybe then Google translate would "switch on"... :D :D :D
It is like that: 64048 в момент постройки - в то время еще для Ред Вингз. Позднее, осенью 2009 года самолет использовался в качестве ЛЛ для испытаний ПС-90А2, а затем был перекрашен в цвета Air Koryo.

So, while being built the 64048 was planned for Red Wings, but later was used for flying tests of PS-90A2 engines in LII, then repainted for Air Koryo.
Strange thing is that on the same page it is written that Aviastar was registered owner, not LII (maybe a formal owner, then?).
Мои авиафото: https://fotki.yandex.ru/users/ok101/

Офлайн { AVATAR }
Сообщения: 1088
С нами: 14 лет 6 месяцев 11 дней
Откуда: Stockholm(Close to BMA)
Репутация: 0

Сообщение Flight fan » 10 июн 2014, 22:05

ok101 писал(а):"On 20/11/2012 have flown to LII for recovery for Red Wings". For LII (Zhukovsky) see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gromov_Flight_Research_Institute
But in the frame further at the page is written: на хранении (в ЛИИ) (you understand? ;) ) - "stored in LII". So, it's unclear about his future, but I always hope for the best. :)

That's exactly what Google Translate got it to. "Flown to LII for recovery for Red Wings." So it did get it right. I just wonder what that means. :wassat:
Stored is better than scrapped anyway, and like you i am hoping for the best. Maybe it will return to the sky some day.

ok101 писал(а):Try to translate it by quotes... :D maybe then Google translate would "switch on"... :D :D :D
It is like that: 64048 в момент постройки - в то время еще для Ред Вингз. Позднее, осенью 2009 года самолет использовался в качестве ЛЛ для испытаний ПС-90А2, а затем был перекрашен в цвета Air Koryo.

So, while being built the 64048 was planned for Red Wings, but later was used for flying tests of PS-90A2 engines in LII, then repainted for Air Koryo.
Strange thing is that on the same page it is written that Aviastar was registered owner, not LII (maybe a formal owner, then?).

Well, maybe. :P

So they never did accept the plane. That's a shame, it would've looked great flying in that livery.
But would LII actually be written as the owner of the plane? I'm not sure how that works to be honest.
My collection at DiMA: http://www.diecastmodelaircraft.com/collection/stockholm_flyer
My YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrFlightfan?feature=mhee

I don't always write in Russian, but when i do, i use Google Translate.

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