uly's New Releases hints - featuring two new molds!
1/400 scale:
1. Enjoy seeing these smaller planes flying for this airline while you still can. Although I personally think they look nice, I wish at least one of them had flown the colors and name of the airline they were launched by. At least while they head to the new owners we can be assured they will be around for a while.
2. When this airplane was delivered to this airline (the first new Boeing delivery for this airline in 6 years) they officially joined the six continent club.
3. This large airplane had special markings to celebrate an independence anniversary of one of their destinations. What’s interesting is the markings were placed on an airplane type which had never flown to this destination before.
4. if you look at the animal on this plane you would find it Very ironic as its ready to figHt with a part of it that he dOesn’t actually fight with. however Judging by his stance, he is ready to poUnce.
1/200 SCALE
1. This plane’s sister ship, the 992nd one of this type built, had a tragic accident demonstrating the importance of proper flaps and slat settings for take off. Unfortunately because of a take off warning horn failure, the crew didn’t catch their mistake.
2. This airplane was not popular with the airline’s Elite Members because of the 8 first class seat configurations making complimentary upgrades hard. When this past airline announced this plane was getting winglets it surprised many because of the known retirement/removed from fleet dates were approaching. While they did end up having winglets added, the entertainment onboard was not changed.
4. If it weren’t for the events in 1989 this trijet airplane would have never seen this hybrid color design. A decade later I remember passing through one of their hubs from the 1989 announcement and seeing row of red birds, sadly those days are long gone as the airline has dramatically reduced service there.
5. This airline recently announced they have started to plan for a large order to replace this plane type from their fleet, many thinking that the next generation 777 could be a possible candidate. If you're flying on this particular plane in first class, unlike most airline's fleets, you can experience two very different generation seat offerings based on which of the two main hubs you're flying to. If you like a take off experience like a 757, this quad is not for you.
Slow month compared to last but good luck trying to guess!